
Materi ekonomi kelas 10
Materi ekonomi kelas 10

materi ekonomi kelas 10

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  • materi ekonomi kelas 10

    Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.Keywords: Survey, Teaching Materials, Subjects AccountingĪuthors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: As for the results of the feasibility, Accounting worksheets “Kharisma” used in economic subjects matter accounting XI Social in high school of 19 Surabaya is feasible. The reason to use these worksheets due to affordable price for students. The research result that the teaching material used on the subjects of accounting is Accounting worksheets “Kharisma”.

    materi ekonomi kelas 10

    To the subject of study was the teacher accounting and object research is teaching materials used in economic subjects matter accounting class XI Social in high school of 19 Surabaya and to instrument used is the an interview and poll examine the teaching materials, as for technical data using interviews, documentation and poll examine the teaching materials. The type of research is research descriptive. The research aimed at teaching material used to know and the teaching materials and using the appropriate teaching materials used in economic subjects matter accounting class XI Social in high school of 19 Surabaya.

    Materi ekonomi kelas 10